Customer Testimonials

As of September 2014, we’ve had over 1,265 positive customer feedback responses on NZ’s biggest car auction site – TradeMe. That’s over 1,265 very happy Auto Depot customers, this does not include customers that did business with us off-line.

Please scroll down for more positive comments from past buyers.

Good buy, love the car.
David, Christchurch
Great buy, love my wee car, would buy again.
Ro, Levin
Great deal! Thanks a lot Mack.
Brenda, Rangiora
The car goes well, and everything is all good so far. Thanks guys.
Amy, Christchurch
I really should have viewed vehicle before buying, but I took the risk and I was more than happy with the vehicle. Not a mark on it. Darren was pleasant and sorted everything out quickly. Car was described accurately. Wouldn't hesitate dealing with this company again.
Peter, Christchurch
Very good person to deal with. We are very happy with the car, thanks heaps!
Paul, Timaru
Lovely car plus good communication. Fully recommended, A+!
Alla, Lower Hutt
Thanks for the deal on the car, it goes great, Will buy with them again. Fully recommend to anyone wanting value for money.
Geoffrey, Dunedin
Very happy with the car. An efficient and professionally managed trade. Thanks!
David, Christchurch
Good value, great to deal with, thanks a lot.
Peter, Christchurch